Tuesday 24 May 2011

Somebody Loves Baked Spaghetti!

T and I laughed our way through dinner last night.

 In a Smart (sarcastic) move on our part we decided to give H a bath in the afternoon.....and then proceed to make baked spaghetti for dinner.....needless to say it was a two bath sort of day!

Baked spaghetti for those of you wondering is a delightful treat.
Normally I make spaghetti bolognese and I serve the sauce on top of the noodles but with baked spaghetti once you boil your noodles you stir in the sauce as well as chopped onion and garlic you season to taste and then stir in about 1/2 cup of bread crumbs as well as 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan......these measurements depend on amount of pasta of course as well as personal preference.  Once it's all mixed in you spoon it into personal oven safe bowls (I use my onion soup bowls) and put them into a pre-heated 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes then switch on the broiler and let the top get crispy for about 4 or 5 minutes (sprinkle a little Cheddar, Parmesan or goat cheese before the broiler step and it becomes that much more yummy!)
 thank god I didn't make the sauce spicy or there would have been a lot of tears!

Ridiculously dirty!

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